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The Art of

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I taught fine arts in the New York City public high schools for 26 years before retiring, and now devote much of my time to artwork in a broad range of media, including drawing, painting, book arts, and printmaking. My work has been exhibited widely in New Jersey. Nowadays, while in "lockdown", I create new etchings in my home studio. I also enjoy gardening and knitting.

My art work is inspired by what I see. I usually take photos of landscapes and architecture, as well as of people in my life, and then I create etchings from them. I also enjoy going to a life-drawing studio and I paint in watercolor from the models. I have made many artists books from the etchings and drawings, and I belong to a group in New Jersey called "The Book Arts Roundtable". Before the pandemic, I attended an intaglio printmaking class for the past 20 years at the Visual Arts Center of New Jersey. Many of us in the class have been together for all these years, and we look forward to being together again in the future.

I am a member of Montclair Monthly Meeting in New Jersey, and have been a member of New York Yearly Meeting since 1971. I have participated in FQA through Friends General Conference, exhibiting some of my book arts in the Lemonade Gallery at previous Gatherings.

— Claire Simon
5 Sunrise Drive, Morris Plains, NJ 07950

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